At Sensational Achievements we strive to educate our community on a variety of topics through our Staff and Parent Workshops. By doing so, we hope to empower parents and school staff to be able to make a difference in the lives of children with sensory processing disorders and raise awareness about the impact SPD has on those we love and work with.
Workshops are offered at the clinic, throughout the community, and in local schools. Half-day and full-day staff development trainings also available.
Body Activated Learning: Supporting Attention and Engagement in Children
This is an innovative, sensory-based program to support attention and engagement in children that can be embedded into the existing curriculum of any school environment. Schools can implement this program as a universal design support for all classrooms to enhance every students’ ability to be more active learners. The outcomes include improved active listening, visual attention, and direction-following as well as greater independent learning skills and enhanced task completion.
Bulk book purchases available when you host a workshop at your school.
Nurturing Active Learners
Learn about how play depends on sensorimotor exploration and praxis skills. After this workshop, you will be able to identify what typical and atypical play patterns look like, ways to facilitate development of praxis skills during play, and red flags that may signal a need for additional interventions.
Sensory Integration: Theory and Practice
Provides parents and professionals a basic understanding of sensory integration theory and the impact that deficits in sensory processing can have on behavior, academics, and skill development.
Developing Functional Visual Skills for School Success
Educates parents and teachers on the foundational visual skills needed for integrating visual and body skills for learning, attention, and focus. Learn ways to facilitate visual development in children using simple modifications to games and activities, homework warm-ups, and gross motor play that supports use of vision with movement.
Learn about the differences between school-based occupational therapy, clinic-based, and home-based occupational therapy services. Our therapists will help you ask the right questions to ensure that your therapist is a good match for your child’s needs as well as have realistic expectations as to what combination of services is most beneficial for your child.
Advocating for your child’s sensory processing needs in school
Learn about how to explain the link between your child’s sensory processing deficits and learning. This discussion covers ways to optimize sensory diet supports in school, get sensory-based goals written into your child’s IEP, and advocate for appropriate accommodations/supports depending on your child’s age and learning needs.
Understanding the Link between SPD and learning
This workshop is designed to help parents understand what sensory processing disorders look like, experience what it means to have a sensory processing disorder, and what steps to take to support each child’s ability to succeed in a school environment.
How Early Infant Experiences affect later childhood Self-regulatory and Sensorimotor Development
Learn how factors such as extended hospitalization, prematurity, sensory deprivation in group homes, caregiver interactions affect development of feeding skills, overall self-regulation, and motor skill acquisition.
Picky Eaters Vs. Problem Feeders
Learn how to define whether your child is a picky eater or a problem feeder based on specific criteria and mealtime observations. Basic strategies to assist with both will be taught along with information about when more intervention may be necessary.
Picky Eater Parent Workshop
Take the stress out of mealtime by learning strategies to assist with food preparation, table time set up, increasing nutrition at each meal, and a positive approach to trying new foods.