Giving power to people with different abilities in a digital world.
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Independent Educational Evaluations
Aubrey Schmalle OTR/L specializes in Independent Educational Evaluations to identify a child’s current sensory, motor, and learning needs in order to optimize school program support for your child. She has worked with school districts throughout Fairfield county and beyond to support children with Autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, speech delays, and identified emotional disturbances to better understand the complex underlying issues impacting behavior, participation, and ability to access the curriculum.
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Why use the Tomatis® Method?
Your ear is not used only for hearing. It also stimulates your brain and establishes your balance. Well-tuned listening is therefore an essential component for promoting personal development. The Tomatis® Method can help improve the ability to manage learning difficulties, attention/focus issues, and language disorders. Coupled with sensory integrative occupational therapy, the benefits can be even greater.
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Adolescents and Adults
It is challenging to find services for teens and adults who continue to struggle with sensory processing difficulties but still need intervention, support, and home programming to deal with the challenges they face during these stages of life. If you our living with sensory processing difficulties, other overlapping diagnoses, and/or misophonia, Aubrey provides consultations and intervention tailored to your individual needs. Her Body Activated Learning Framework makes it easy to understand the key elements needed to optimize your home program plan. We also provide custom training, Tomatis auditory programs, and home/work recommendations to address your specific areas of concern.
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What our Clients are saying!
"My daughter is doing wonderfully at camp. She has made some great friends. She has really grown and matured on all levels. She's been trying new things like zip lining and rock wall climbing. She's been water skiing and horseback riding. She even auditioned to do a solo dance at the Talent Show..."
Mom of a 10 yr old girl
"I just wanted to send you a quick note saying thank you for everything you do for all of the kiddo’s you impact. I pray God continues to pour his strength into you, because you make such a difference in so many children’s lives. I know by speaking first hand, watching the difference you have made in our life."
Mom of 11 yr old child
I wanted to let your know that my son did two shadow days at his new school...Aubrey, they have a weight room and you were right, he pretty much lived in that room. He was alert and engaged all day. After the 2nd day he said "Mom, I didn’t think I was good at making friends, but I was wrong..."