At Sensational Achievements, we incorporate a wide variety of specialized intervention techniques to ensure best practice and a total approach to treatment. Our therapists have certifications and training in a wide variety of methods. Below you will find a description of several of the interventions that we embed into our treatment.
Sensory Integration and Praxis Treatment: Focuses on a child’s ability to process, interpret, and adaptively respond to sensory information in the environment. When addressing the sensory needs of an individual with and without a disability we consider the registration, modulation, organization, and interpretation of information gained through the senses. These include, sight, sound, perception of movement, touch, taste, and smell. When the sensory systems are working together and well regulated this contributes to developmental outcomes in social emotional, physical, communication, self-care, cognitive, and adaptive skill development.
Auditory Programs: Individualized, specifically recorded and enhanced music based tools used during therapeutic intervention or at home to improve self regulation, attention, focus, learning, and cognitive skills.
Reflex Integration Techniques: Specific non-invasive movement activities that help integrate non-integrated primitive reflex patterns for improved functioning.
Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) Strategies: An advanced therapeutic approach focusing on direct handling and guidance of a client to develop improved muscle activation for improved functional movement patterns.
SOS Feeding Strategies: Focuses on increasing a child’s comfort level of food, by exploring and learning about the different properties of food and allows a child to interact with food in a playful, non-stressful way.
Beckman Oral Motor Protocol: A hands on approach that uses assisted movement and stretch reflexes to quantify response to pressure and movement, range, strength, variety and control of movement for the lips cheeks, jaw, tongue and soft palate.
M.O.R.E Integrating the Mouth with Sensory and Postural Functions: MORE is an acronym for Motor components, Oral organization, Respiratory demands, and Eye contact and control. This technique incorporates the use of of toys and items that can be used to facilitate integration of the mouth with sensory and postural development, as well as self-regulation and attention.