Visually enhanced occupational therapy services means that evaluation and intervention looks at how your child’s eye are moving and how that impacts their functional vision skills needed for academic success, navigating the environment, and participating in leisure activities.
A vision screening is conducted as part of the occupational therapy screening to determine if there are functional visual deficits that may be impacting your child’s academic success. This is NOT a test of visual acuity (how clearly your child sees). This screening evaluates your child’s eye movements (ocularmotor skills) and how well your child’s eyes are working together to perform such skills as scanning a page, shifting attention to copy from the board, focusing on tabletop work, and filtering out visual distractions.
Monitoring the development of these skills has become extremely important as the amount of screen-based learning and play has increased, affecting the amount of time children spend in activities that support development of ocularmotor skills such as outdoor and ball play.