- Container with magnet/cut out letters (uppercase or lowercase)
- Two floor dots/ small mats/ trays/ paper plates
Set up
- Set up two floor spots in classroom/ home at an appropriate space apart so that child can not see the letters on the second spot when standing at the fist spot
- Spread letters (more or less in between each letter depending on the child’s skill and tolerance) on second spot. Orient all letters in the same direction
- Place container of letters that match next to first floor spot
1. Child chooses 1 letter from container and places on first floor spot
2. Child leaves that letter there and walks (skips, hops, crawls etc as able/ as appropriate to space) to second spot, locates matching letter and brings it back.
3. Repeat steps 1-3 as the child’s interest allows
4. As the child’s skills improve place dots further apart or fetch 2 or more letters at once.
5. To increase motivation, use a timer so that the child can see how fast they can return with the correct letter and take pride in improved time.
- Improve visual memory via practice of holding picture of letter shape in their mind while navigating environment
- Improved ability to ignore irrelevant visual/auditory information in the environment while navigating around other children/ furniture with focus on navigating between spots and returning with correct letter
- Improved use of vision in space to navigate environment
- Movement built into task is energizing for sluggish under-responsive children and is restoring for movement seeking children.