REGROUP Overview
REGROUP exercises facilitate children's ability to quickly calm and organize their bodies following both academic and skilled motor tasks. For children who have difficulty completing ACTIVATE exercises, this is an especially important step to maximize the effect of those exercises while supporting their ability to recover and transition to the next activity. Exercises can be done while sitting or standing and used quickly throughout the day following long periods of sitting and academic work.
REGROUP Categories:
Vision Breaks: Allow the visual system to relax and recover following a period of sustained attention. For children with functional vision deficits, opportunities for vision breaks may be needed frequently throughout the day to reduce visual fatigue.
Rhythm and Respiration: Supplies oxygen to the Brian for thinking, boosts serotonin (happy hormone) levels, and relaxes muscles while promoting calmness and relaxation following challenging activities.
Stretching: Fixation patterns often emerge with sustained sitting and when completing tabletop/desk work as children struggle to stabilize their bodies. Creating opportunities to stretch out of those patterns helps reduce tension, promote better posture, enhance coordination, and increase circulation for improved mood and energy levels.