Use this exercise sequence to restore the body to a calm place. This can be used between classes, when preparing to go into a more overwhelming activity like writing, and even just to calm down from holiday excitement. The Wave supports rhythmic whole body movement while encouraging deep breathing. Finger Push Ups Activate the fingers, bringing attention to all the fingers of the hand that we need for fine motor activities and writing. The Lion’s Breath uses forced exhalation to facilitate deep breathing. Combined together, these exercises create an overall sense of calm while activating the fingers for writing and fine motor activities such as doing crafts.
During this holiday season, keep filling your child’s toolbox with items to support calming, spaces to recover and regroup, and Restorative movement throughout the day to regulate the body. When all these supports are working together, anxious and overstimulated children can feel safer in their bodies and build sensational self-awareness to seek out the sensory supports they need no matter where they go!
Ready to transition to a fun holiday activity? Check out our Holiday Decoration Fine Motor Craft Idea at:
See our Cozy Corner Gift Ideas to get more ideas for how to bring restorative sensory supports into your home environment
Grab the Body Activated Learning Ebook to get access to more training videos and exercise sequences at