As a parent, I struggle with the balance between technology and getting my child out, active and engaged. It seems like our children prefer iPads over hanging out with friends face to face or going out on a walk to explore. If you are a parent of a child with additional learning needs, is on…
Gift Ideas for a Sensational Cozy Corner
As information about sensory differences and strategies such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and breathing have become more mainstream, items that OTs have used with kids for years to improve self- regulation are readily available for purchase. Here is a list of recommended items focusing on Rhythm, Pressure, and Respiration, the key components of RESTORING activities. …
Restore Exercise #2 to Calm Down From Holiday Excitement
Use this exercise sequence to restore the body to a calm place. This can be used between classes, when preparing to go into a more overwhelming activity like writing, and even just to calm down from holiday excitement. The Wave supports rhythmic whole body movement while encouraging deep breathing. Finger Push Ups Activate the fingers,…
Energizing Exercise if You are Stuck at Home this Holiday Season
As the pandemic continues, many schools have made the choice to switch to distance learning either temporarily or indefinitely. Each state, each city, each district is taking their own approach to implementing precautions to minimize transmission. This holiday season, families are making the same decisions – to visit or not visit with family. To send…
10 Sensory Stocking Stuffers
This season, picking the right holiday stocking stuffers can make all the difference. Check out this YouTube Video to learn more about how to identify your child’s sensory preferences and figure out the best gifts for you child’s stocking or under the tree or scroll down to start shopping! Born2Calm ADHD Fidget Toys Stress and…
5 Gift Ideas to Keep Kids Active Indoors
Parents are always looking for ways to keep their kids active in the winter. Unfortunalty, this winter we can’t rely on visiting bowling alleys or trampoline parks as we have in the past and there is no guarantee of snow for snowman building, and, let’s face it – it can get pretty cold the further…
Rethinking Sensory Diets for Teens
Sensory Diets are often recommended to help students maintain optimal regulation and attention in the school setting when children are in preschool and elementary school. As children age, their interests and social awareness evolve. This also means that sometimes, what started out as a solid and supportive plan initiated at a child’s PPT meeting becomes…
The Case for Gross Motor Centers for Preschool Classrooms
By Rachel Butler, COTA/L More and more research is being published that shows the benefits of movement for learning. As a result, elementary school teachers are incorporating movement breaks into their schedules and some middle schools are bringing back recess. Preschool children seem to be constantly moving, so why incorporate more movement into their classrooms? …
Sight Word Scavenger Hunt
Supplies: Play Dough Sticky Notes Writing Utensil Set-Up Prior to Child Engagement: Adult writes 5-10 sight words on sticky notes and hides the sticky notes around the room Adult sets a ball of play-dough next to a writing utensil on a non-stick floor or table Procedure: Child looks for one sight word tag. Depending on…
Letter Bead Sight Words
Supplies Letter bead (Beads in shape of letters, NOT painted or printed on bead) Yarn to thread beads onto Towel or scarf to cover lenght of yarn White board, black board, or paper Dryer erase marker, or appropriate writing implement Procedure 1. Adult sets up sight words on yarn, tying knots appropriatly to prevent movement…