As a parent, do you ever feel like the Starbucks barista who is trying to take orders in the store, make the drinks because they are short staffed, run the drive-through and fill the online order in the cue all at once? It’s unreasonable to think that anyone can do this. But did you ever…
Why Brain Breaks and Wiggle Breaks Should Not be Led by a Video
Naperville, IL became famous for a fitness program implemented by the school district physical education teacher starting in 1990 that improved students’ academic performance and learning, not just their health. This famous case study found in the book SPARK, helped the idea that kids need to move to learn grab hold. The book, written by…
Tantrums and Technology: How to start meeting the emotional needs of children in a digital world
It’s happening again. Time to leave the house to go to school and the screamin erupts as you tell your children it’s time to hand over their tablets. The morning usually goes peacefully as long as the tablets are nearby but the day can go downhill fast if you have to take the tablet abruptly…
Why writing helps kids learn (And why typing doesn’t)
Handwriting has been a long-debated subject, especially with the push to go paperless in school and use more online learning platforms like Google Classroom. Schools are always saying that they are looking for research-based interventions before implementing programs into the school curriculum. Yet, research shows without a doubt that handwriting is not just a skill…
Get off the screen and get moving with this Holiday Obstacle Course
Make sure to enjoy the holiday season with some fun activities that get kids off their screens, moving, and into the holiday spirit. These activities are easy and fun without costing a fortune. Get creative for kids who have sensory and motor difficulties or trouble completing multi step sequences. For example, using a gift or…
Gift Ideas for a Sensational Cozy Corner
As information about sensory differences and strategies such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and breathing have become more mainstream, items that OTs have used with kids for years to improve self- regulation are readily available for purchase. Here is a list of recommended items focusing on Rhythm, Pressure, and Respiration, the key components of RESTORING activities. …
Teaching that one child that keeps you up at night through movement
Photo: LA Johnson/NPR Everyone has that one child….. I recently spoke at a preschool teacher’s conference. I was excited to hear their questions about how to support children with sensory differences in the classroom. As I was listening to their questions and stories, I started seeing a pattern. Everyone has that ONE child that stands out…
Preparing for Peaceful Mealtimes
Tips for Peaceful Family Mealtimes Tip One: Never force your child to eat or clean their plate, bargain, punish, threaten, reward, coax, negotiate, or strongly encourage your child to eat. By doing this, you are setting yourself up for a show down with your child and making extra work for yourself. Tip Two: Ignore refusals,…
Eat the Rainbow With Your Child
Our March Open House and 5 year anniversary celebration was a success! We enjoyed the opportunity to share information about our programming as well as collaborate with other professionals who work with children with sensory processing disorders. Dr. K. Virdee, ND, a naturopath whose practice is located in Fairfield, CT, shared some great…