If you are looking for fun ways to increase exposure to fruits and veggies this holiday season, check out these food art ideas. We will be making a “Grinch Santa” and a “Veggie Train”. I will be honest, the veggie train is slightly more complicated but perfect for a child who hates veggies but loves…
Behavior and Nutrition: Eating for Energy!
We all know that fruits, veggies, protein, good fats, and whole grains are good for us. But did you ever think about how they help your child to get through their day? Think about your child at school. They have breakfast, get on the bus, have a quick snack (maybe) and lunch at school,…
Preparing for Peaceful Mealtimes
Tips for Peaceful Family Mealtimes Tip One: Never force your child to eat or clean their plate, bargain, punish, threaten, reward, coax, negotiate, or strongly encourage your child to eat. By doing this, you are setting yourself up for a show down with your child and making extra work for yourself. Tip Two: Ignore refusals,…
Give Thanks for Picky Eaters
Give THANKS for Picky Eaters: Tips to help your holiday meal go smoothly Try:holiday foods BEFORE the big day! Introduce your child to the new foods they will have every 2-3 days in the weeks leading up to your holiday feast. Share stories and traditions your family may have around that food. Let your child have control…
Eat the Rainbow With Your Child
Our March Open House and 5 year anniversary celebration was a success! We enjoyed the opportunity to share information about our programming as well as collaborate with other professionals who work with children with sensory processing disorders. Dr. K. Virdee, ND, a naturopath whose practice is located in Fairfield, CT, shared some great…
4 Tips to Survive Thanksgiving with a Picky Eater
Thanksgiving is next week, and if you have a picky eater you may be feeling a little uneasy. While for most, it is a day of family and fun; for the parent of a picky eater, coupling battles over food with the pressure of onlooking family can be almost too much to bear. Fear not!…
Lunchroom Noise, Does it Really Matter?
Common concerns over short lunch periods, appropriate seating, and the challenge of nutritional choices in school lunches are common. But have you considered the effect of the noise in the cafeteria on healthy food choices? Susan Gross, PhD, MPH of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has, and her results (2014) may give us…
Oral Praxis
My child can’t spit out their toothpaste or suck from a straw! What can I do? Have you ever noticed your child has difficulty moving food from one side of their mouth to the other, can’t spit out their toothpaste, and can’t suck from a straw? have you noticed they don’t pucker their lips when…
Baby Led Weaning
Feeding Trend- Baby Led Weaning: Skipping purees early on and starting with finger foods later – What do you think? Many of us have had that experience of spoon feeding an infant for the first time, only to have the food be pushed right back out at us as if the baby has not yet…