As the pandemic continues, many schools have made the choice to switch to distance learning either temporarily or indefinitely. Each state, each city, each district is taking their own approach to implementing precautions to minimize transmission.
This holiday season, families are making the same decisions – to visit or not visit with family. To send out Christmas cards or just meet people online. To go to public spaces or stay indoors in your home environment.
If you are going to be stuck at home this holiday season without access to playgrounds or other activities you may have done over the summer, consider adding Energizing exercise sequences into the daily routine to give your “sensory seeker” or your child who always looks a bit more alert and connected after bike riding a much needed alternative. Energizing sequences provide sensory input while also building necessary skills for learning when a child is in a more alert state.
Energizing exercise sequences connect children to their bodies while supporting alertness and engagement. By adding a Keyword Response to the Energizing Sequence, you are also building skills for active listening by engaging the whole body in the listening process. Since listening can be hard for some children, energizing prior to engaging in a listening demand and then regrouping from the demand with stretching and breathing helps the senses work together to optimize the brain and body for learning, attention, and engagement.
So whether you are just quarantining this holiday or doing a combination of staying at home for the holidays and distance learning in January, try this out and see the benefits for yourself!