1 bowl of plain (not butter) popped popcorn
1 package fresh cranberries
Thicker thread such as upholstery thread
Sewing needle
1. If using sewing needles is new for your child, demonstrate safe use, pointing out sharp and dull ends of the needle, and safe storage (such as in a pincushion) when not using the needle.
2. Choose a workable length of thread for child’s attention span and arm length. If the thread is too long it is easily tangled and may cause unnecessary frustration.
3. Thread 1 cranberry onto the thread and push it to the end with the knot.
4. Tie a knot to secure the cranberry.
Alternately thread popcorn and cranberries onto the needle, or chose your own design/pattern pulling gently to the end.
When finished, display the garland on your mantle or christmas tree. You can also place it outside as a bird feeder.
** note if you are using garland as bird feeder, be sure to remove the thread and dispose of it after use so that birds do not get tangled in it.
Improved eye hand coordination and use of two hands together
Encourages use of a fine pincer grasp
Challenges children to use light touch/muscle grading versus squeezing the popcorn