2 or more paper towel rolls
White Yarn
1 roll masking tape
Assorted googly eyes
Black Sharpie
- Cut 1 paper towel roll into pieces to represent family members
- Cut a small slit into the top and bottom of each piece of paper towel roll
- Begin by threading yarn through 1 slit of 1 roll.
- Holding roll steady with non-dominant hand, use dominant hand to wrap yarn around roll until it resembles a mummy.
- End by threading yarn through opposite slit in paper towel roll and cutting the yarn leaving enough yarn to thread through the center of the roll to be used to tie to the hanger asn suspended the mummy.
- Using rolled tape, attach 2 googly eyes to mummy.
- Rip 15-20 pieces of tape from roll placing on the edge of a table for ease of use
- Decorate second paper towel tube with pieces of masking tape.
- Write 1 letter of “HAPPY HALLOWEEN” or your own spooky message on each piece of tape.
- Cut small slits in the top of the hanger tube
- Tie mummy family on youtube, tucking into slits to keep in place
- Thread appropriate length piece of yarn through the center of the tube to tie the ends together
- Hang up and enjoy
Repeat steps 3-6 with each mummy
Activate: Bilateral coordination (using 2 hands together with asymmetric task)
Fine motor coordination (coordinating fingers to complete activity and practice tying for those who are ready)
Refinement of pincer grasp (pinching and ripping tape)