Supplies 1 can of shaving cream Yellow, blue, and red food coloring 1 large cookie sheet Access to a sink nearby Paper towels or hand towel Procedure Have the child fill a cookie sheet with shaving cream from left to right and top to bottom to reinforce tracking for reading and writing. With the child’s…
Fine Motor Valentine’s Day Soap Craft
Supplies 1 bar of soap (we used Dove for sensitive skin) 1 box grater with removable lid 1 bowl to hold grated soap 1 tablespoon of warm water 1 medium sized cutting board 1 cookie cutter (approximately 2”x 2” works well) 1 spatula Procedure 1.Set up the grater so that child will pull the…
Essential Foundations of Fine Motor Skills
As a parent, when you bump into a fellow parent at the community center or local Starbucks, you may find yourself sharing about your child’s firsts…the first time he/she sat up or walked, spoke his/her first words…but not often when your child first held a block or grabbed a Cheerio with a fine pincer grasp….