When we are thinking about what kinds of sensory supportive and skill building opportunities to put in our environment for children to explore, it’s always a balance between things that support calming and recover, give energy to the body through speed, unpredictability, and crashing, and things that build skills. Children want to achieve and feel…
Holiday Gifts that Energize
Energizing is about increasing connection to your body through fast and unpredictable movement, climbing, resistance, and crashing. Activities such as lifting heavy things, swimming, playing soccer or hockey, and dancing all are ways to increase this energy in an organized way. But for many of our kids with sensory and motor difficulties, they aren’t into…
Squishy Sensory Holiday Crafts
Whether your child loves to get messy making projects like slime and putting shaving cream on their skin in the bathtub or is the total opposite and doesn’t even want to touch sticky or slimy things, this craft is still for you! A kid that “loves mess” will have fun making these crafts. The kid…
This holiday season, give your child the gift of calm
Rhythm, Pressure, and Respiration are the key elements of calming input. Find the best match for your child’s sensory needs from our Amazon Restore Gift List below! RHYTHM There are so many ways to find rhythm. It comes in the form of music, rocking in a rocking chair, or even just doing something in a…
It’s the holidays! So much to do, so little time. Let Sensational Achievements help with your holiday shopping. From December 3-10, GET 20% OFF all items. Just use promo code HOLIDAY20. Valid at both the Sensational Achievements Store and the Body Activated Learning Store.
Don’t miss out on our biggest sale of the year! From November 26-29, GET 15% OFF PLUS FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50
Parents! Are you Dreading the Holiday Meltdown?
We’ve all been there, right? You are at a birthday party or a holiday party and your child has a meltdown. You eventually have to make the decision to pack your whole family and go home. If you are a parent of a child who gets easily overwhelmed in a busy and noisy environments where…
Thanksgiving Duck Craft
This post is from one of the sensational teens who come to Sensational Achievements. Enjoy! Not everybody eats turkey for thanksgiving. Some people eat duck. My family is from China. We eat duck. So i decided to make a duck hat instead of a turkey hat for Thanksgiving. Now i am going to teach you…
Do you have a Love – Hate Relationship with Technology?
As a parent, I struggle with the balance between technology and getting my child out, active and engaged. It seems like our children prefer iPads over hanging out with friends face to face or going out on a walk to explore. If you are a parent of a child with additional learning needs, is on…
Addressing Dysgraphia and Visual Motor Deficits in Children
When someone says your child has a visual motor problem, there are often some underlying elements that contribute to the presentation of the visual motor deficit. Visual motor issues may not just be from difficulties with visual perception or integrating vision with motor demands. In this article, I will discuss different reasons your child may…